
3417 N 32nd ST

A Global Partner in Clinical Development

About Us

We are a science-led global healthcare company with a special purpose to improve the quality of human life by helping people do more, feel better, live longer. Here are some of our key facts.

Our Pharmaceuticals business has a broad portfolio of innovative and established medicines in respiratory, HIV, immuno-inflammation and oncology. We are strengthening our R&D pipeline through a focus on immunology, human genetics and advanced technologies to help us deliver transformational new medicines for patients.

Our marketplace

The global pharmaceuticals market is vast. The US remains a priority market for growth with other key growth areas including emerging markets and Asia Pacific regions.

This trend of increasing demand is expected to continue as the world’s population grows, economies in the emerging markets become more prosperous and global changes in lifestyles affect long-term health.

We also know that we won’t discover everything inside our own labs and that we need to partner with other companies, academic institutions and research charities. We currently have research collaborations with more than 1,500 external organizations.

Our Mission

Goes beyond expanding access to quality healthcare services. We are committed to investing in the lives of the global residents. Our health centers are economic engines, generating economic activity that improves the quality of life in the neighborhoods we serve.

Our Capital

investment of building new state-of-the-art facilities in underserved areas help serve as an economic catalyst by providing continued employment to area residents, the purchase of goods and services from local businesses, as well as other economic stimuli.

Our Vision

ANDOLORIS will become the provider of choice for comprehensive primary healthcare by achieving excellence in quality, access for all who seek care and the improvement of the health of the communities we serve by utilizing innovative health solutions.